On Transport Maps
I’ve been working with Professor Y. Marzouk and his postdoc P. Rubio on a Schlumberger project for the past year. One interesting technique I learnt from them is the so-called transport map. It is not about how to fit all MBTA routes onto an A4 paper, although everytime I saw the MBTA map on a bus I wonder if there is any math behind the design of that map. The transport map I learnt during the past year is about how to represent a complex probability distribution. Without sharing any Schlumberger related things, this post tries to document my understanding of the basics of transport maps (all have been published by Marzouk earlier, see ref.1 for example).
What Transport Maps Can Do for Us
Imagine the following scenario. We know $x$ is a random variable that follows a standard Gaussian distribution. There is a complex function (maybe the function is only available numerically) $y=f(x)$ that transforms any given $x$ to a scalar $y$. What can we say about the distribution $P(y)$? Apparently one can sample a lot of $x$, pass them to the function $f$ to generate samples of $y$, then use statistics to describe the $y$ samples. This is great. But sometimes we may want to get an analytical expression for $P(y)$, or in some cases we are only given some samples of $y$ without any knowledge of $x$ and $f$ but we want to have a machinary to keep generating new samples of $y$ that minic the given samples. Transport maps can help.
Another scenario transport maps can help is when we are given an un-normalized distribution (maybe only numerically, i.e., if you give me a value $x$, I can tell you $P(x) \sim h(x)$ where $h$ doesn’t have an analytical expression but can be computed numerically following some procedure). Transport map can help us construct a normalized distribution and subsequently draw samples from it.
How Transport Maps Work
A transport map is a transform between a reference distribution and a targe distribution. We can use any simple distribution we like as our reference distribution and the target distribution is the one that we want to describe. The map is parametrized. The goal is to optimize those parameters so that after the transformation, the obtained target distribution matches any information we have about the target distribution. At the end of the day, finding a transport map becomes a loss minimization problem for parameter optimization.
Let’s say we are given some samples of $y$ and would like to (1) Obtain an analytic expression for $P(y)$ and (2) Generate more samples of $y$ ourselves. First thing we do is to pick a reference distribution we like. Say a standard normal distribution $P_x(x) \sim N(0,1)$. Then we define a parametrized map $y=f_\theta(x)$. Here $\theta$ are the parameters we will need to find/optimize later. Given any set of the parameters $\theta$, we can express $P_y(y)$ analytically as $P_y(y) = P_x({f_\theta}^{-1}(y)) | \nabla {f_\theta}^{-1} |$. Basically given any $y$, we say let’s transform it back to $x$ via $f_\theta^{-1}$ and see what’s the probability that $x$ appears ($P_x(x)$). We then adjust that with the Jacobian of the transform $f{_\theta}^{-1}$. With an parametrized and analytic $P_y(y)$, we now optimize the parameters so that $P_y(y)$ matches with the samples of $y$ given to us. This optimization can be done by minimizing the KL divergence between $P_y$ and the samples.
1.Marzouk, Y., Moselhy, T., Parno, M. & Spantini, A. An introduction to sampling via measure transport. arXiv:1602.05023 [math, stat] 1–41 (2016) doi:10.1007/978-3-319-11259-6_23-1.